Florida Man and Florida Woman should Skip Fall Vaccinations, says State’s Idiot Surgeon General

Not even an Ivy League education can stop some people from being a fool’s fool. Florida surgeon general Joseph Ladapo and Governor Ron DeSatan, both Ivy League grads, are teaming up to make certain that as many Floridiots die as is humanly possible.

DeSatan had the following to say:

Pharma will make more money if this thing is approved and they start pushing it on everybody.

Goobernor Ron DeSatan

The fact is, that DeSatan doesn’t believe any of that. His spokesperson refuses to say if the Goobernor has been vaccinated, which is essentially the same as shouting YES. The surgeon general, on the other hand, is a true believer. From the English paper The Guardian:

Meanwhile, Dr Joseph Ladapo, the governor’s hand-picked surgeon general and a vaccine skeptic previously found to have manipulated data on vaccine safety, falsely claimed the new booster shots had not been tested on humans, and contained “red flags”.

The Guardian

A liar and a fool is definitely a fatal combination. I’m going to petition the good old University of Illinois to have my PhD changed from English to Reality. I’m first in line for the Fall Booster shot–I think it will be my sixth Covid vaccination.


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